
赵 磊

作者:  来源:  发布日期:2022-01-19  浏览次数:


赵磊 教授





赵磊,男,1987年生,博导。主要从事植物病毒学相关的教学与科研工作,先后主持国家自然科学基金(面上项目、青年项目)、博士后创新人才支持计划、国家重点研发计划子课题、陕西省重点研发计划等多项科研项目。在小麦、猕猴桃和草莓等作物病毒的鉴定、致病机理、脱毒技术及绿色防控技术研究方面取得了重要突破。获2023年度陕西省科技进步一等奖1项(3/12)。研究成果以第一(含共一)或通讯(含并列)作者在《Molecular Plant》、《PLoS Pathogens》、《The Plant Journal》、《Journal of Biological Chemistry》和《Molecular Plant Pathology》等期刊发表30余篇。获Wiley威立中国开放科学高贡献作者奖。以第一完成人制定地方标准5件。主讲《病毒与人类》、《茶树病虫害防治学》、《生物防治》等课程。副主编或参编“十二五”、“十三五”及专业规划教材4部。参与编写的教材获陕西省优秀教材一等奖1项。获第六届全国植物病理学教学研讨会二等奖。指导大学生参加创新创业大赛获国家级金奖(2/4)和国家级一等奖(1/1)各1项。获教育部优秀创新创业指导教师荣誉称号。








2024.01-至今,    西北农林科技大学植物保护学院,教授


2023年-2026年  中国园艺学会猕猴桃分会理事

2023年-2026年  陕西省植物保护学会理事

2024年-至今     New Plant Protection期刊青年编委




1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:猕猴桃黄化环斑病毒CP引起猕猴桃黄化的作用机理研究,2024.01-2027.12。

2. 博士后创新人才支持计划:小麦蓝矮植原体SWP21蛋白的功能及其作用机理研究,2019.06-2022.06。

3. 国家重点研发计划子课题:葡萄和草莓无病毒种苗繁育技术研发,2019.05-2022.12。

4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:小麦蓝矮植原体激发子SWP11调控寄主防御反应的机理,2018.01-2020.12。

5. 国家重点研发计划子课题:陕西梨树肥药耦合增效技术集成研究与示范,2019.12-2021.06。


1.Tian Shuyuan, Song Qingting, Zhou Wenmei, Wang Jingke, Wang Yanbin, An Wei, Wu Yunfeng*, Zhao Lei*. A viral movement protein targets host catalases for 26 S proteasome-mediated degradation to facilitate viral infection and aphid transmission in wheat. Molecular Plant, 2024. 17: 614–630.

2.Tian Shuyuan#, Song Qingting#, Cheng Yipeng, Zhou Wenmei, Wu Kuan, Zhao Yu, Wu Yunfeng*, Zhao Lei*. A viral p3a protein targets and inhibits TaDOF transcription factors to promote the expression of susceptibility genes and facilitate viral infection. PLoS Pathogens, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1012680.

3.Bai Bixin, Zhang Guoding, Li Yue, Wang Yanbin, Shrestha Sujata, Zhang Xudong, Wang Licheng, Zhao Lei*, Wu Yunfeng*. The ‘ Candidatus Phytoplasma tritici’ effector SWP12 degrades the transcription factor TaWRKY74 to suppress wheat resistance. The Plant Journal, 2022. 112: 1473-1488.

4.Bai Bixin, Zhang Guoding, Pei Baoyan, Song Qingting, Hao Xingan, Zhao Lei*, Wu Yunfeng*. The function of the phytoplasma effector SWP12 depends on the properties of two key amino acids. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2023. 299(4): 103052.

5.Wang Ruotong, Bai Bixin, Li Danyang, Wang Jingke, Huang Weijie*, Wu Yunfeng*, Zhao Lei*. Phytoplasma: A plant pathogen that cannot be ignored in agricultural production-Research progress and outlook. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2024. 25(2): e13437.

6.Wang Yicheng#, Sun Jiaxiu#, Wang Jingke, Sujata Shrestha, Huang Qianru, Hou Caiting*, Wu Yunfeng*, Zhao Lei*. Efficient elimination of Actinidia chlorotic ringspot-associated virus from infected kiwifruit shoots cultured in vitro. Plant Disease, 2023. 107 (1): 34-37.

7.Zhao Lei#, Wang Jingke#, Sujata Shrestha, Sun Jiaxiu, Wang Yicheng, Hou Caiting*, Cao Mengji*, Wu Yunfeng*. Viromics reveals the viral diversity in cultivated and wild kiwifruit. Plant Disease, 2022. 106(12): 3120-3126.

8.Zhang Guoding#, Bai Bixin#, Xu Ming, Liu Yuling, Wu Yunfeng*, Zhao Lei*. Advances in and prospects for  Actinidia viruses. Plant Disease, 2022. 106 (5): 1321-1329.

9.Zhao Lei#, Cao Mengji#, Huang Qianru, Wang Yicheng, Sun Jiaxiu, Zhang Yuanle, Hou Caiting, Wu Yunfeng. Occurrence and distribution of  Actinidia viruses in Shaanxi Province of China. Plant Disease, 2021. 105, 4: 929-939. (封面论文)

10.Zhao Lei#, Cao Mengji#, Huang Qianru, Jing Mingpeng, Bao Wenwu, Zhang Yuanle, Hou Caiting, Wu Yunfeng, Wang Qiao-Chun. Occurrence and molecular characterization of Actinidia virus C (AcVC), a novel  vitivirus infecting kiwifruit ( Actinidia spp.) in China. Plant Pathology, 2020. 69(4): 775-782. (WILEY Top Cited)

11.Zhao Lei#, Chen Long#, Gu Peiwen, Zhan Xihua, Zhang Yuanle, Hou Caiting, Wu Zhan-Min, Wu Yun-Feng, Wang Qiao-Chun. Exogenous application of melatonin improves plant resistance to virus infection. Plant Pathology, 2019. 68(7):1287-1295.

12.Zhao Lei#, Yang Wen#, Zhang Yuan-Le, Wu Zhan-Min, Wang Qiao-Chun, Wu Yun-Feng. Occurrence and molecular variability of kiwifruit viruses in  Actinidia deliciosa ‘Xuxiang’ in the Shaanxi province of China. Plant Disease, 2019. 103: 1309-1318.

13.Zhao Lei, Chen Yu-Jia, Yang Wen, Zhang Yuan-Le, Chen Wen-Bao, Feng Chao-Hong, Wang Qiao-Chun*, Wu Yun-Feng*. Polysaccharide-peptide-induced virus resistance depends on Ca2+ influx by increasing the salicylic acid content and up-regulating the LRR gene in Arabidopsis thaliana. MPMI, 2018. 31: 516-524.

14.Zhao Lei#, Feng Chao-Hong#, Wu Kuan, Chen Wen-Bao, Chen Yu-Jia, Hao Xingan, Wu Yun-Feng. Advances and prospects in biogenic substances against plant virus: a review. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2017. 135:15-26.

15.Zhao Lei#, Chen Yu-Jia#, Wu Kuan, Yan He, Hao Xingan, Wu Yun-Feng. Application of fatty acids as antiviral agents against tobacco mosaic virus. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2017. 139: 87–91.





1.赵磊.一种植物组织培养脱毒方法.2023,发明专利, ZL202211378870.3(已转化)

2.吴云锋,赵磊.一种胡萝卜苷类化合物作为抗病毒剂的应用.2014,发明专利,ZL201310463181.7 (已转化)

3.吴云锋,赵磊.一种含有胡萝卜苷与谷甾醇的抗病毒组合物及其抗病毒应用.2015,发明专利,ZL 201310488412.X(已转化)

4.赵磊,吴云锋.一株F01放线菌及其抗病毒应用.2023,发明专利, ZL201910029773.5

5.赵磊,郝兴安,樊红科,吴云锋. 采用环介导等温扩增技术检测猕猴桃溃疡病菌的方法,2014,发明专利,ZL201210579896.4

6.赵磊,郝兴安,吴云锋. 采用反转录环介导等温扩增技术检测芜菁花叶病毒的方法,2016,发明专利,ZL201310659524.7


1.赵磊等. 草莓设施栽培技术规程,杨凌区地方标准,DB 6111/T191—2023.

2.赵磊等. 草莓苗穴盘繁育技术规程,杨凌区地方标准,DB 6111/T 192—2023.

3.赵磊等. 草莓苗露地繁育技术规程,杨凌区地方标准,DB 6111/T 193—2023.

4.赵磊等. 猕猴桃病毒病鉴定技术规程,杨凌区地方标准,DB6111/T 172-2021.

5.赵磊等. 草莓脱毒苗育苗技术规程,杨凌区地方标准,DB6111/T 171-2021.

6.吴云锋、冯小军、赵磊、郝兴安、吴宽、文耀东、冯文涛. 小麦黄矮病综合防控技术标准,陕西省地方标准,DB 61/T1673—2023.