
闫 合

作者:  来源:  发布日期:2022-01-19  浏览次数:


闫合 教授





男,1983年8月生,博士研究生导师,主要从事生物源农药活性先导化合物的发现、作用机制及结构改造相关研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目,国家重点研发计划项目子课题,中国博士后基金,陕西省重点产业链项目等科研项目18项。在 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry  ,  Pest Management Science 等期刊发表学术论文20余篇,授权国家发明专利14件。主讲《农药分析》、《天然产物化学》等课程。



2002.09-2006.06,济宁医学院药学专业, 获医学学士学位




2024.01-至今 西北农林科技大学植保学院,教授




1. 十四五重点研发计划子课题,糖苷类化合物KD01诱抗剂作用机制和高效应用技术研究。

2. 咸阳市重大科技创新专项,基于中医"治未病"理论指导的新型植物免疫诱抗剂研发与高效应用技术研究。

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,Lansiumamide B抑菌作用分子靶标研究。

4. 陕西省重点产业链项目,新型生物源免疫诱抗剂研发与应用技术研究。

5. 企业横向项目,藜芦碱杀虫剂提取工艺及质量标准制定。

6. 教育部基本科研业务费自然科学类项目,LB抑菌作用靶标研究。

7. 博士后面上项目,Lansiumamide B抑菌作用机制研究。

8. 十三五重点研发计划子课题,植物源作物免疫调控先导化合物的发现及作用机制研究。

9. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,余甘子中抗烟草花叶病毒活性成分的提取分离与作用机制研究。

10. “十二五”国家科技支撑计划子课题,生鲜农产品绿色防腐与安全保鲜技术研发与应用。


1. Yina Jia, Jianrong Tang, Yunfu Dang, Yizhou Yang, Shan He, Yue Jiang, Yong Wang, Juntao Feng, Zhiqing Ma, Xili Liu, He Yan(*). Lansiumamide B induced the degradation of polysaccharides and oligosaccharides showing antifungal activity against Rhizoctonia solani, Industrial Crops and Products, 2024, 214:118529.

2. Hongyan Zhang, Guojie Jin, Jing Zhang, Yueyang Zhang, Baowei Gao, He Yan(*). LW-1 induced resistance to TMV in tobacco was mediated by nitric oxide and salicylic acid pathway, Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2024, 202:105896.

3. Yueyang Zhang, Yue Jiang, Yina Jia, Xiaoyu Pan, Tianrun Zhao, Kaiyue Wang, He Yan(*), Zhiqing Ma. Separation of anti-TMV active components and modes of action of Omphalia lapidescens, Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2024, 198: 105728.

4. Wei. Luo, Kaiyue Wang, Jingyi Luo, Yingchen Liu, Jiawen Tong, Mengting Qi, Yue Jiang, Yong Wang, Zhiqing Ma, Juntao Feng, Bin Lei, He Yan(*). Limonene anti-TMV activity and its mode of action, Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2023, 194:105512.

5. Yue Jiang, Xiaoyu Pan, Yiming Li, Yizhou Yang, Yina Jia, Bin Lei, Juntao Feng, Zhiqing Ma, Xili Liu, He Yan(*). Linalool induces resistance against tobacco mosaic virus in Tobacco plants, Plant Disease, 2023, 107(7):2144-2152.

6. Yue Jiang; Xiaolan Ji; Yueyang Zhang; Xiaoyu Pan; Yizhou Yang; Yiming Li; Wenhui Guo; Yong Wang; Zhiqing Ma; Bin Lei; He Yan(*); Xili Liu(*); Citral induces plant systemic acquired resistance against tobacco mosaic virus and plant fungal diseases, Industrial Crops and Products, 2022, 183: 114948.

7. Xiaojing Fan, Dan Kong, Shan He, Junzheng Chen, Yue Jiang, Zhiqing Ma, Juntao Feng, and He Yan*. Phenanthrene derivatives from Asarum heterotropoides showed excellent antibacterial activity against phytopathogenic bacteria,  Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 2021, 69(48): 14520-14529.

8. Delong Wang, Bin Liu, Zhiqing Ma, Juntao Feng, He Yan(*), Reticine A, a new potent natural elicitor: isolation from the fruit peel of Citrus reticulate and induction of systemic resistance against tobacco mosaic virus and other plant fungal diseases.  Pest Management Science , 2021, 77: 354–364.

9. Guo Wenhui #; Yan He #; Ren Xingyu; Tang Ruirui; Sun Yubo; Wang Yong; Feng Juntao (*), Berberine induces resistance against tobacco mosaic virus in tobacco, Pest Management Science , 2020, DOI: doi.org/10.1002/ps.5709.

10. Yan He; Xiong Zi; Xie Na; Liu Shanzhi; Zhang Lianlian; Xu Fang; Guo Wenhui; Feng Juntao (*), Bioassay-guided isolation of antifungal amides against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum from the seeds of Clausena lansium ,  Industrial Crops and Products , 2018, 121: 352~359.

11. Wang Delong; Xie Na; Yi Shandong; Liu Chuanyuan; Jiang Hui; Ma Zhiqing; Feng Juntao; Yan He(*), Bioassay-guided isolation of potent aphicidal Erythrina alkaloids against Aphis gossypii from the seed of Erythrina crista-galli L ,  Pest Management Science , 2018, 74(1): 210~218.

12. Yan He; Xie Na; Zhong Chenquan; Su Anqi; Hui Xiaoli; Zhang Xin; Jin Zhao; Li Zhipeng; Feng Juntao (*); He Jun (*), Aphicidal activities of Amaryllidaceae alkaloids from bulbs of Lycoris radiata against Aphis citricola ,  Industrial Crops and Products , 2018, 123: 372~378.

13. Yan, He; Han, Li Rong; Zhang, Xing; Feng, Jun Tao (*), Two new Anti-TMV active chalconoid analogues from the root of Phyllanthus emblica,  Natural Product Research , 2017, 31(18): 2143~2148.

14. Yan He(*); Gonghai Zhang, Cytotoxic coumaronochromones from the inflorescences of Celosia cristata,  Natural Product Research , 2017, 31(16): 1886–1890.