1. 国家重点研发计划(政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项):作物黄萎病菌群体遗传变异机制与流行检测技术,2019.11-2022.10,项目骨干。
2. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划:大丽轮枝菌VdCf2转录因子靶标基因的鉴定与功能分析,2021.01-2022.12,主持。
3. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金:棉花黄萎病致落叶机理研究,2019.07-2024.06主持。
4. 科技部对发展中国家科技援助项目,基于上合组织农业基地的外来入侵生物监测与风险评估,2020.12-2025.12,参与。
5. 国家自然科学基金: 禾谷镰刀菌GIL1基因和FGK3基因调控隔膜形态发生、DON毒素产生的作用机制,2016.01-2018.12,24万元,主持。
6. 国家自然科学基金:稻瘟病菌TRX家族成员激活其靶基因及PMK1信号通路的分子机制研究,2014.1-2016.12,参与。
Qin J., Wang K., Sun L., Xing H., Wang S., Li L., Chen S., Guo H.#, Zhang, J.# (2018). The plant-specific transcription factors CBP60g and SARD1 are targeted by a Verticillium secretory protein VdSCP41 to modulate immunity. eLife, 7: e34902.
Qin J.*, Zhou X.*, Sun L., Wang K., Yang F., LiaoH., Rong W., Yin J., Chen H., Chen X.#, Zhang J.# (2018). The Xanthomonas effector XopK harbours E3 ubiquitin-ligase activity that is required for virulence. New Phytologist, 20(1): 219-231.
Qin J.*, Wang G.*, Jiang C., Xu J-R., Wang C.# (2015). Fgk3 glycogen synthase kinase is important for development, pathogenesis, and stress responses in Fusarium graminearum . Scientific Reports, 5: 8504.
Qin J.*, Barajas D.*, Nagy P. D.# (2012). An inhibitory function of WW domain-containing host proteins in RNA virus replication. Virology, 426(2): 106-119.
Zhang J.*, Fan S.*, Qin J.*, Dai J., Zhao F., Gao L., Lian X., Shang W., Xu X., and Hu X.# (2020). Changes in the microbiome in the soil of American ginseng continuous plantation. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11: 572199.
Li H.*, Dai J.*, Qin J., Shang W., Chen J., Zhang L., Dai X., Klosterman S.J., Xu X., Subbarao K.V.#, Fan S.#, and Hu X.# (2020) Genome sequences of Verticillium Dahliae defoliating strain XJ592 and nondefoliating strain XJ511.
Sun L., Qin J., Rong W., Ni H., Guo H-S., Zhang J.# (2018). Cellophane surface-induced gene, VdCSIN1, regulates hyphopodium formation and pathogenesis via cAMP-mediated signaling in Verticillium dahliae . Molecular Plant Pathology, 20(3): 323-333.
Sun L., Qin J., Wang K., Zhang J.# (2017). Expansion of pathogen recognition specificity in plants using pattern recognition receptors and artificially designed decoys. Science China Life Sciences, 60(8): 797-805.